History of ILKKM Sg Buloh

The Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) has built a number of modern hospitals and equipped pieces of equipment with state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that the country is not left behind in the flow of change and the rapid development of medicine and health. In addition, its staff of professional and support groups is constantly trained from time to time in order to provide efficient and high-quality services in line with customer’s requirements.

Aware of the increasingly high level of health professional services, the government through MOH has set up training centers covering eleven fields under the 7th Malaysia plan, the training colleges are structured into the Allied Health Sciences College (KSKB). This concept leads to centralized management where all teaching facilities, learning, administration, financial management and all physical facilities are under one administrative roof. Five Associate Health Sciences College (KSKB) have been approved for construction including in Sg Buloh, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching, Johor Bahru and Hulu Kinta.

The College of Allied Health Sciences (KSKB) Sungai Buloh is the first college built with a capacity of 3000 students on a 28-hectare site. Its stunning master campus has eight blocks of dormitories equipped with various facilities including leisure.

The Sungai Buloh Allied Health Sciences College (KSKB) was fully operational by the end of 2004. Currently, there are about 2700 trainees comprising six programs including Nursing, Radiography and Radiotherapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapist, Assistant Pharmacy and Environmental Health. The vision of this college is to become a modern, integrated and brilliant health training institution, as well as being able to provide teaching and learning facilities that meet current needs. This is the common objective that must be met by All Kolej Sains Bersekutu (KSKB) Sungai Buloh especially. In 2017- 2018, KSKB had been changing their name to ILKKM Sg Buloh as rebranding strategy for future enhancement of medical and allied health training, research and educational centers.